Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Inspiration is so fleeting. I am sure many more people have written more concise thoughts or have had deeper meaning to their words then what I will type in the next few minutes.

I am sitting at my computer after being told I do not have to work the flex hours that were planned for me, I pulled up my story. Sitting down, I looked at the words: "Prologue...In a castle, carved into the Cliffs of Dnalsi,"  and then immediately went to the word document, "save the date template" and continued to print out 100 copies of save the dates for my wedding.

From this regular occurrence, pulling up my story sitting down ready to tackle the next round of editing or adding a chapter to create a well rounded story, I change paths and do something more productive or at times less productive...coughfacebookcough. Even now as I sit here, I have wandered off to read the news that the Goo Goo Dolls have gained another Top 10 song only furthering their lead with 14 songs! Way to go!

But this is only furthering my point on how fleeting. I sat down to write a post talking about the fleetingness of my inspiration, muse, attention span...take your pick and I am only being lead around by my blank mind. I wonder if this is my muse telling me to get the creativeness flowing or to trigger a thought from an image or another post. that is a thought.

I love to write. I love the characters I am creating, but why is it I cannot keep at it for more then a few minutes? There are other times when I can sit down and forget time and space and the four hours I have to get my work done is gone...

To my muse,

You are brilliant and I wish for you to stay with me as long as you deem.



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