Friday, May 27, 2011

House of Dreams

So, I am officially a home owner. My fiancee and I bought a house last Friday and we love it!! The great part is that the house feels like our home already. The last week has flown by and we have most of the house put together and put away. Only a few small dragons have emerged as we have tested things out in the house, like the garbage disposal. (It does not work). I love my house and I cannot wait to continue to watch it grow over the years.

My favorite part of the house (though I have not been able to utilize it yet) is the back yard. we have almost an acre and a lot of it I am hoping can be turned into a garden someday. But since I cut open my palm, I am not able to get outside and mess around in the dirt. Which saddens me. we have ash, maple, pine and lilac. Spiria and other evergreen bushes are in the front. Two little hostas are near two of the windows...I will have to get rid of the evergreen bushes (they are not my favorite) and put in more hosta. I do love hosta. I cannot wait to break ground on my veggie garden, herb garden and flower garden. I am looking for places for each. The veggie and herb might have to go together, but my flowers might be able to be scattered around the property.

I am happy with our decision and I will love to grow old here. My House of Dreams. (An Anne Shirley-ism there!! :)  )

Monday, May 16, 2011

Back on Track...

A lot of time and books have passed since I was stumped on a book that I could not get through. The Children's Book by A.S. Byatt was one such book. I enjoyed what I read but I could not get myself to read more then a few pages at a time. I decided to put the book back on the shelf and grab another. That was 2 weeks ago and I have read 2.5 books. Not as many books as I would like to have read in that amount of time but with a wedding and moving into a house has taken a lot of time.

The House at Riverton was a great book. I loved the narrator, Grace. I loved learning about her life after the 'event', and all the events leading to the 'event'. I also felt it was rather poignant to read the last few months of a dying woman. To live her feelings of her past, wishes for the short future and dreams of seeing her grandson. Ursula was a great character, despite the limited interaction the reader has with her. I liked her. The sacrifices the serving class made to ensure the wealthy had the life they wanted was incredulous. I know this was a fictitious book and the real life servants of the wealthy of the late 1800 - 1920s were not as romanticized as the book depicts but when Grace gives up her life with Alfred, I cried. All because she felt she could not leave her lady. Oh wonderful...the event. The feelings of the 'event' were all selfishness and jealousy. There was no love or happiness. Only selfishness, lust and jealousy. I loved this book. It was amazing.

Dark Watch by Clive Cussler. One of the best Oregon Series I have read to date. I have 3 more I think, but I enjoyed this book a lot. The human trafficking was sad and horrible to read through Eddie's point of view. Juan's only dedication and hatred towards people who would promote human trafficking and enslavement. I love the characters and the action adventures the crew on the Oregon go on. I would continue but I have read/blogged enough on Clive Cussler that I do not need to continue other then say, if you like Juan Cabrillo, read Dark Watch.

On to the next book! :)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Ponderings on growing up

I returned to the place of my higher education this past weekend. Over the weekend, I figured out that the people which I enjoyed spending time with were the people who were about to take the next step in their lives.

I sat around and visited with Katie. I wish we had more time to hang out and that I had read the chapters which were supposed to have discussed in our current book. I truely hope that Katie and I can be near enough to be able to meet up and have our wonderful talks. I miss her terribly.

Next, along with Katie, I viewed my brothers installation on sexual assault. I do have to say my brother is amazing. His progression as an artist can be seen in the different figures but the over all effect of the piece is amazing. I am so proud of him.

The rest of the day was spent celebrating Holly's impending marriage. The Platteville Winery was a nice surprise, despite the politics which seems to infiltrate everything these days. The wine was good and the company better. After the winery, nail polish, girly drinks, funny presents and cookies were the major components before dinner.

Dinner conversation turned to a touchy topic, the recent break up of two good friends. I realized how horrid woman can be to each other, myself included. The gossip wheel can take things and distort events and feelings. I hope most of those girls can realize how horrid the gossip wheel is and that once you are out in the 'real world' how small and insignificant your life is. Or how little people care next to their own problems. I realized how easy it is to slip back into the rotating wheel of gossip. 

Dancing, drinking and heels followed the eating of yummy, greasy pizza. Getting away from the suction of gossip, I got to know a sister of a friend who is amazing and fun. I was very happy to meet her. 

The night wore on and I realized my age, or is it just the lack of being able to stay up late and still be able to do everything the next day? We will just say that I am not made for staying up late with the college girls anymore. I guess that is what 5am will do to you. After walking home with a wonderful friend, and being too awake to tell myself sleeping on a couch will be a good thing, I drove back to my home with my love. 

As I slipt into bed and snuggled my love close, I realized I am glad I am done with college. I have a job I love, a man I am marring and love deeply, and a bright future. I do not regret the lessons I learned while I was in school. Nor do I regret the people I learned to love, accept and hate or the memories attached with those people. 

I know life may not always seem so bright as it does at this moment as the sun shines and the leaves bud from the maple tree outside my window, but I am confident that I will love growing up.